Northern Coalfields Limited has walked an extra mile for giving employment to land oustees. Block-B Team of NCL devised a new mechanism of ‘descending order’ in which it chalked out a system to give employment to land oustees in descending order of land lost and employment released in that order up to the cut-off determined on the basis of availability of vacancy, suitability of candidate and the concept of 1 employment for every 2 acres of land. This is first of its kind endeavor in CIL where land owners who couldn’t fulfill 2 acre or package criteria were offered appointment on the basis of descending order.

What was more encouraging for Team NCL was the fact that first batch of 8 land owners/oustees so identified were handed over the appointment letters under the new system of ‘Descending Order’ by Chairman CIL Shi Anil Kumar Jha at 35th Foundation Day of the company.  Shri Jha was Chief Guest of 35th Foundation Day of NCL held at Vijay Stadium Jayant on Thursday. This was the first ever that a subsidiary of Coal India handed appointment letters on descending order format to the left out land owners.


(From L-R) Trade Union Representative Shri Munni Lal, Officers’ Union Representative Shri Sarvesh Singh, Trade Union Representative Shri Ashok Dubey, General Manager Block-B Shri R.B.Prasad, Director (F/P) NCL Shri Nag Nath Thakur, CVO NCL Shri Ashish Srivastava, D(T/O)NCL Shri Gunadhar Pandey, Former CMD NCL Shri B.R.Reddy, Former CMD NCL Shri T.K.Nag, Former CMD NCL Shri V.K.Singh, CMD NCL Shri P.K.Sinha, Chairman CIL Shri A.K.Jha, General Manager (Personnel) Shri Charles Juster, Staff Officer(P) Block-B Shri S.K.Tiwari and land oustees who got appointment letters -Shri Kunj Bihari Gupta, Shri Indresh Kumar Vaishya, Shri Munindra Kumar Gupta, Shri Nand Lal Gupta, Shri Anjani Vaishya, Shri Ankit Mishra, Shri Rohit Mishra, Shri Pawan Kumar Sahu


Riding on the national wave of solving old issues and devising ever newer ways of bringing inclusivity, Northern Coalfields Limited- a Coal India Company, has re-written history as the company walks an extra mile to include the excluded.


As a matter of fact, NCL for its Block-B OCP acquired land in 1992 and 2006.  On both the occasions, jobs were given to the land losers according to the prevalent Resettlement & Rehabilitation policy.  The policy mandates 1 employment for every 2 acres of land. In such scenario, those who had land of 2 acres or even those who formed a package to have 2 acres of land got the employment. But the ones who neither had 2 acres of land nor could form a package were left out. At the end, they turned out to be the ones who lost their lands but didn’t get employment to compensate for livelihood.

Over the years, the issue was taken up by different regimes but the work was completed under the leadership of present CMD of NCL Shri P.K.Sinha with impressive speed.

As new batch of land oustees, clad in pink turban ascended the stage on Foundation Day to get the appointment letters, NCL- the miner ascended miles higher in bringing about the inclusiveness unparalleled.

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  1. Vijayanth

    This certainly translates into recommendations and repeated good word for NCL.

  2. Debosmita

    Adequate livelihood opportunities for the land owners is always a challenge for enterprises operating in mining and metal sector. Often these matters retain their of ‘pending’ tag forever as proportionate jobs is always a challenge. By the way, what is the proportion in this case?

  3. Purvi

    @Debosmita, as mentioned in the story, there is 1 employment on every 2 acres of land. But please understand the flavour of the story, Debosmita.

    This story doesn’t aim to bring forth facts and numbers. This story is written to bring forth the will power and conviction of NCL. It aims to make readers feel about the way company went an extra mile to include the excluded.

    It hardly matters what information you bombard on readers as s/he is reading your piece. What matters is what remains with the reader after having read your piece. Many a times, as a writer- you know best- it becomes necessary to downplay the information over inspiration. In all cases, messaging of inspiration should remain with the reader.

  4. Ankita

    The connect with communities, NCL harbingers through such initiatives is commendable.

  5. Debosmita

    @Purvi – I understand that jobs were already given on 2 acres or package format but your company also gave to those who were excluded from this format. I was just quizzing about the proportionate volume of land. Anyway, got my answer. Just found some policy stuff on CIL website.

  6. Purvi

    @Debosmita, See I told you. Facts and data are cheap these days. Available everywhere. With Google, information is abundantly available. Name any information, and it just a click away.

    So today the entire value lies in perspective. Perspectives are rare and rarity is worth the value!

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